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Monday, 16 April 2012



Sebelum ni aku xpernah mimpi nk tulis2 blog ni, xpernah follow blog2 org, baca blog org pown jarang2. hihi. Tp it seems rather fun :) so, kali ni nk cuba bjinak2 ngn dunia blog ni. kalo responsenye okay, i would continue on writing, insyaAllah :)

Anyway, ak ni sebenanye xrety nk menulis pjg2. org pggil apa? entry? post? hapekemende pown ak xtaw la. haha. maklumla, BM ak sepanjang hayat, xpenah dpt A. hihi

Sijil SPM aku yg dpt B BM. ahahaha

Disebabkak ak ni xrety nk menulis karangan panjang2, so ak nk upload gamba la. sbb yg ak duk tgk2, kalo ak baca blog org pown ak lebih suka tgk gamba. hehe. setelah beberapa jam ak cuba menghias blog ak ni, sesambil carik gamba2 utk dijadikan background, ak tetibe rndu tmpt blaja ak dlu. so ak nk share ngn korg experience2 ak kt sana. org kata, a picture can explain a thousand emotions :) so, enjoy :)

Ni mase ak kt London, area2 London Bridge. Sedondon kan? wink2 ^_^

around Trafalgar Square, London 

Yg ni xde caption. lalala

Liverpool. The Beatles story :)

Peminat Bola, mesty tawu punye ni kt mana :D

Stafford Castle :) 

Me and Ma Daddy :DDDD

Bath. Ancient Roman Bath. ni tmpt mndy org2 zaman dulu :) terbuka okay uollllsss. mampoo? hihi

Cambridge Uni. Utk pengetahuan korg, kt uni ni, satu uni dekelilingi air yg mcm sungai ni :) santekkk :))

Paris :) the city of love :D malangnye, ak xjumpa pown love ak kt sana. haha

Okay, tu je. bye! nnty update lg :D


  1. camne nak wat tulisan camni?kt pun new blogger gak..

  2. hai dear...jom tgk my blog..hehehe

  3. Wah!!!good start.. Pakai start now pack ke?hahaha

  4. yay yay! mcm mana nk reply comment2 ni? reply satu2 ke?? haha. xrety betul. reply kt cni la dlu ye semua, nnty kite blaja lg :D

    eizah, kite just tuka font dkt layout tu
    madam ainor! u are the first one tht i follow! yay!
    bukhari, kau yg ke2! hehehe. nnty ajar2kan ak ye :)
